Friday, July 23, 2021

Heaven's Heaving Heights Unchecked

"Patience masks/Our ruins of wrecked past purposes." G.M. Hopkins, from "Patience, hard thing!"

You said, "Patience masks our ruins of wrecked
Past purposes." Does that mean it's a sin
And not a virtue to be patient? Win
The argument, lose everything; protect
Your true beliefs, lose everyone's respect.
So let's just have a beer, you'll be the kin
Of hops, of holy happiness made thin,
Of hopes, of heaven's heaving heights unchecked.

No, let us understand each other, please:
Let us not write for sound alone, not choose
An empty voice, pretend we're leaving clues
To meaning when we've made an obscure wheeze
And called it poetry. This is a tease,
A needless difficulty, a dark bruise.


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