Monday, October 14, 2024


Shall we give thanks for all the things we like?
Will we skip something, someone, some old fact,
Or factor, in our joy? We’ll interact,
Express our gratitude, prepare to strike,
Let grievances pass, as new troubles spike.
Remaining grateful, with our souls intact,
Rising above the paltry things we lacked,
We set out once more on our nature hike.

What is our nature, then? Husband, or wife,
Or lone survivor in a fallen state,
Dismissive of the hour, or never late,
We’ll be content with our ungainly life.
We thank each other for the stress and strife,
Sit down to dinner with our friends, and wait.

Sunday, October 06, 2024


I have dispensed with generalities,
And offer you specifics, as a feast;
No more great gobs of sunrise from the east,
No more delightful play of summer breeze,
We speak only of how your muscles seize —
Your inclination is to call the priest —
Friends joke about the recently deceased,
The squeezed, the tiresome ones they hope to squeeze.

You say you’re tired of all this empty talk,
But we remember learning it from you,
One more loud thing our racing tongues could do
Without as much grasp as a cuckoo clock.
Don’t think I’ve come to criticize or mock;
Ingest, digest abuse, peruse and chew.